By means of this service, the investor may go into the agricultural business in a reliable way, apart from his knowledge on the matter and without the need of having either time or organization.

Investments may be in farming or in lands.

IN FARMING (Grain production )
The investor-supplied funds are used to sow (soybean, corn and wheat ) on household lands in the Argentinian nucleus area. ( see sowing area ) .

There are no limits to the amounts of money to be invested, but there are time limits due to the crop cycle. ( at least 6 months ).

The agricultural business is quite a very good choice both to protect capital and to get a reasonable return at the same time; because, going into this business implies to position oneself when putting the goods (soybean or corn) in a market with international prices; that is, the investor is protected against inflation in Argentina and in the USA as well.

As far as productive and climatic risks, they are reduced by means of the running of the crops and the geographic diversification respectively.

Soybean 1
(October- April)
Soybean 2

IN LANDS (Land Purchase)

This service is composed of two independent parts. The first part includes all that is related to the research and the advice about investment based on the requirements and objectives of the investor.

The second part is related to the management of the land with the aim of maximizing the obtainable return by giving the land on lease to a producer, by contributing with it to a productive society or by running the direct exploitation.


The annual return of the land tenancy is comparable to that of any other financial asset. The return is composed of two parts. The first one is related to the productive farming of the land, either as a result of the production or as that of the tenancy if the field is given on lease to a producer. The second one represents the increase in the value of the land in the ordinary course of time.

This part of the return may be very important if the estate operations are duly carried out according to the market conditions.


Investment in lands is very safe. The investor is not only protected against the global and domestic economic changes, but also against every type of contingency that might arise ( for instance, terrorism, wars ) and that might affect the economy and its subsequent repercussions on the price of shares, bonds and any other asset of that type.


Lands are a liquid asset. They can be sold quickly at any time of the year, without changes in the property market value. The time for the buying-selling depends basically on the market conditions.

(NOTE: The estimated prices for the land return could be 4 % on the lease to a producer and 3 % for the increase in the values according to the historic average value of the land in the Argentinian nucleus area. )